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Forthcoming Publications/Work in Progress

Paul and Janet Starkey

Paul and Janet Starkey (eds). scheduled for 2020. Pilgrims and Tourists (preliminary tittle), Edited papers from from the York ASTENE Conference 2019. Oxford: Archaeopress.

With others (eds), Duns Scotus (Edinburgh: EUP), in preparation, to include a paper by Paul Starkey.

With Aziza Zaher and others, Arabic-English Archaeological Terms (Oxford: Archaeopress, c.2018). Commissioned by Archaeopress, Oxford. Will include local and standard terms plus transliteration of Arabic terms.

Paul Starkey

Faris al-Shidyaq: scholar and sceptic, in preparation (Leiden: Brill) planned publication date 2018-2019

Janet Starkey

Publication on-line of Janet Milne’s 1976, ‘Amarar Lexicon’. University of Durham: Ms. Preliminary analysis by De Gruyter in Beja lexicostatistics . DOI: 10.2478/linpo-2013-0002

'Arabian Nights' manuscripts: the Russell-Leyden-Scott-Montagu networks in India and the Middle East'.

Fact or Fiction: On Marco Polo, Odoric da Pordenone and John Mandeville

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