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Publications: Janet Starkey

[July 2021 being updated]

 Recent Titles

  • Starkey, J. & Paul G. Starkey (2020). Pious Pilgrims, Discerning Travellers, Curious Tourists. Oxford: Archaeopress.
  • Starkey, Janet. & Paul G. Starkey (2020). 'Meet at Rustam Pasha'. In Tales from the life of Bruce Wannell: Adventurer, Linguist, Orientalist. Rogerson, B. London: Eland. 160–163.
  • Starkey, Janet, Ines Aščerić-Todd, Sabina Knees & Paul G. Starkey (2018). Travellers in Ottoman Lands: the botanical legacy. Oxford: Archaeopress.
  • Starkey, Janet, JPaul G. Starkey, &  Tony J. Wilkinson.(2016). Natural resources and cultural connections of the Red Sea. Oxford, UK : Archaeopress.


Janet Starkey, Scottish Enlightenment Abroad: the Russells of Braidshaw in Aleppo and on the coast of he Coromandel (Leiden: Brill, 2018).

Review in the TLS by Robert Irwin 26 April 2019; In British Association for Turkish Area Studies Review, Number 33, Spring 2019.(TASR) (2019); Curtis's Magazine (2018) reviewed by Alison Rix; Rahl Bhaumik in Medical History (2019), pp. 105-106.

With many resonances of our present crisis during the CV19 Pandemic of 2020 the chapter Pathology and Epidemics' in Aleppo is available on Open access 

Janet Starkey, Strathbogie, the Gordons and the ‘Land o’Cakes: the Story of The Huntly Cookery Book (1913) (Berwick-upon-Tweed: the author, 2017).

Reviewed in April-May 201 edition of History Scotland Magazine by Liz Trevethick as well as in The Scottish Field in summer 2017.

Editor with Julian Jansen Van Rensburg, Harry Munt, Tim Power, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 48 2018: Papers from the Fifty-First Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Held at the British Museum, London, 4th to 6th August 2017. vo. 48 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2018).

Janet Starkey, Julian Jansen Van Rensburg & Harry Munt, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies; Papers from the Fiftieth Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Held at the British Museum, Paperback, vol 47 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2017). See Archaeopress Publications
  Editor with Orhan Elmaz, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies: Papers from the Forty-Seventh Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Held at the British Museum. Vol. 46 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2016).
  Ohran Elmaz (ed.), Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 45 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2015). In the event JCMS was also an editor.
  Editor, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies: Papers from the Forty-Fifth Meeting, London, 28-30 July 2011. Vol. 42 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012) x + 425 pp
  Editor, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies: Papers from the Forty-Fifth Meeting, London, 22-24 July 2010. Vol. 41 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2011) xvi + 436 pp.
  Editor, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies: Papers from the Forty-Fifth Meeting, London, July 2009. Vol. 40 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010). xii + 384 pp.
  Editor, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 2009: Papers from the Forty-Second Meeting London, 24-26 July 2008 - Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies v. 39 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009). x + 386 pp.
  34 entries in Ian Richard Netton (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilization and Religion. Encyclopedias of Religion Series.(London: Taylor & Francis, 2008)
  Joint Editor with Paul Starkey and Tony Wilkinson (eds), Natural Resources and Cultural Connections of the Red Sea. BAR International # 1661 (series). (Oxford: British Archaeological Reports Oxford, 2007). This book presents the proceedings of Red Sea Project III held in the British Museum, London, in October 2006.
  Editor, People of the Red Sea. Proceedings of Red Sea Project II Held in the British Museum October 2004. BAR # 1395 (Oxford: British Archaeological Reports Oxford, 2005). 176 pp., with authored introduction.
  Editor of Special Issue, Mapping, travel and gendered spaces in the Middle East. Essays in Honour of Edward Said, of History and Anthropology 13/4 (December 2002) with authored introductory essay. (London: Taylor & Francis)
  Editor with Paul Starkey, Unfolding the Orient: travellers in Egypt and the Near East (Reading: Ithaca, 2001), with authored introduction. (Additional information)
  Editor with Paul Starkey, Interpreting the Orient: travellers in Egypt and the Near East (Reading: Ithaca, August 2001), with authored introduction. .(Additional information).
  Editor with Okasha el-Daly, Desert Travellers from Herodotus to T E Lawrence, Astene Publications # 1 (series) (Durham: ASTENE, 2000; repr. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2005) with authored introductory essay (Additional information) Reviewed by Denys Johnson-Davies
  With Leslie Jessop, No Contemptible Workmanship: material culture of the Pacific region represented in the Hancock Museum, Newcastle upon Tyne (Newcastle upon Tyne: Tyne & Wear Museums, 1998), pp. xviii + 110. (review) ISBN 10: 0905974697 ISBN 13: 9780905974699. Review by: Len Pole in Journal of Museum Ethnography No. 13, Papers Originating from MEG Conference 2000: Developing Dialogues: Museums and their Communities, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter (March 2001), pp. 111-112.
  Myths and Mirrors: a report on the ethnographic collections in the North East of England (Newcastle: North of England Museum Service, 1998), pp. 58.
  Editor with Paul Starkey, Travellers in Egypt (London: I.B. Tauris, 1998; repr. In paperback 2001, and also published by Macmillan in the States.etc.), including authored introduction, pp. 318. Sponsored by the Durham University Publications Board. (Additional Information)
  Editor, Before the Wind Changed: People, Places and Education in the Sudan by Ian Beasley, Oriental and African Archives # 1 (series). (Oxford: Oxford University Press, for the British Academy, 1992), 483 pp. Included in R.A. Bartlett, Choice's outstanding academic books, 1992–1997: reviews of scholarly titles that every library should own (Assoc of College & Research Libraries, 1998, p. 386. (The subject of Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf, Ina Beasley: Her Perspectives on Women’s Prospects in British Sudan, Durham Middle East Papers, Sir William Luce Publication Series, on-line). Reviewed in SSSUK see www.sssuk.org/drupalSite/sites/default/files/sudanStudies/SS16.pdf


2.       Theses

Starkey, Janet C.M., ‘Examining Editions of The Natural History Of Aleppo: Revitalizing Eighteenth-Century Texts’, PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2013. Online.

Milne, Janet, ‘The changing pattern of mobility and migration of the Amarar tribe of Eastern Sudan’, MPhil thesis, SOAS, University of London, 1976.

Milne, Janet, MA Honours dissertation: ‘The problem of patrilateral parallel cousin marriage with special reference to a Southern Jordanian village, al-Jai.’ University of Edinburgh, 1971.

3.       Articles and shorter works

'Sources of inspiration: Jean-Baptiste Vanmour and other artist-travellers in Ottoman Lands', Journeys erased by Time: The rediscovered footprints of travellers in Egypt and the Near East ed. Neil Cooke (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2019), pp.189-216.

'Food for Thought: Coffee, Coffee-Houses and le bon gout in Edinburgh during the Scottish Enlightenment', Book of the Old Edinburgh Club NS 14 (2018), pp. 23-44.

'From Ottoman Aleppo to Edinburgh: the botanical legacies of Adam Freer MD and his colleagues',  Travellers in Ottoman Lands: the botanical legacy, ed. Ines Aščerić-Todd, Sabina Knees, Janet Starkey and Paul Starkey (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2018), pp.123-146.

‘Observations, Adventures and Scandals: East India Company officers on the Red Sea and ion the Syrian Desert 1776-1871’, in Neil Cooke & Vanessa Daubney (eds), Lost and Now Found: explorers, Diplomats and Artists in Egypt and the Near East (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2017), pp. 127-140.

‘The continuity of social space: the Khan al-Jumruk within the bazaars of Aleppo’, in Mohammad Gharipour (ed.), The Bazaar in the Islamic City: Design, Culture, and History (Cairo and New York: American University in Cairo Press in association with OUP, 2012), pp. 115–148.  Summary on JSTOR. Reviewed in Al-Ahram: Part text there

2012. ‘(Dis)located spaces and mediated oppositions: monks and Bedouin in the deserts around the Red Sea’, Chapter 20 in Dionisius A. Agius, John P. Cooper, Athena Trakadas and Chiara Zazzaro (eds), Navigated Spaces, Connected Places Proceedings of Red Sea Project V held at the University of Exeter September 2010. (British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs No. 12). BAR # S2346 (Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 12), 203–220. . It focused on sacred space and pilgrimage in the Red Sea region. The conference itself addressed themes of movement, navigation and land/seascape on the Red Sea.  ISBN 978-1-4073-0929-3.

Desert Imagery: Bedouin, Monks, Demons and Hermits at Saint Anthony’s Monastery’, in Hans Barnard and Kim Duistermaat (eds), The History of the peoples of the Eastern Desert, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Monograph 73. (Los Angeles, Calif.: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 2012), pp. 312–329.

James Rennell and his scientific world of observation’, in Katherine Salahi (ed.), Knowledge is Light. Travellers in the Near East (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2011), pp. 38–57. First presented at the ASTENE Conference, Durham University, July 2009.

One entry in Craig Barclay, Rachel Grocke & Helen Armstrong (eds), Treasures of the Oriental Museum, Durham University (Durham: Durham University, 2010), published for its Golden Jubilee celebrations July 2010.

‘Introduction to the contributions on Arabia and the wider Islamic world’, in Lloyd Weeks (ed.), Death and Burial in Arabia and Beyond: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Bar # S2107 (Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 2010), pp. 299–302.

2009. The Contagion followed, and vanquish’d them’: plague, travellers and lazarettos. Pages 113-128 in Diane Fortenberry & Deborah Manley (eds), Saddling the Dogs: journeys through Egypt and the Near East (Oxford: Oxbow Books.

2009. Death, paradise and the Arabian Nights’, Mortality 14/3: 286–302.

2007. Shipwrecks, coffee and canals: the landscapes of Suez. Pages 173-182 in Janet Starkey, Paul Starkey & Tony Wilkinson (eds), Natural Resources and Cultural Connections of the Red Sea. Red Sea Project III, British Museum, London, BAR # S1661 xford: British Archaeological Reports..

2007. Cosmopolitan cities and cultural integration? Alexander Russell on eighteenth-century Aleppo. Chronos: Revue d’Histoire de l’Université de Balamand 15: 131–150.

2005. Gold, Emeralds and the unknown Ababda. Pages 183-204 in Janet C.M. Starkey & Okasha el-Daly (eds), Travellers in the Deserts of the Orient (Durham: ASTENE, 2001, repr. Oxford: Oxbow Books.

2005. Perceptions of Women in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Pages 92-102 in Sarah Searight (ed.), Women Travellers in the Near East, ed. (Oxford: Oxbow Books.

2005. Mercantile Gentlemen and Inquisitive Travellers: constructing the Natural History of Aleppo’. Pages 29-71 in Charles Foster (ed.), Travellers in the Levant (London: Stacey International, 2003; new edition 2005). Revised version: www.levantineheritage.com/pdf/Aleppost.pdf.

2005. Travellers on the Red Sea Coast between al-Qusayr and Sawākin’. Pages 75-86 in Janet C.M. Starkey (ed.), People of the Red Sea, Bar: S1395 (Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.

2002. ‘Les femmes dans le désert Oriental d'Égypte’, in Marie-Élise M Palmier-Châtelain & Pauline Lavagne-d'Ortigue (éd.), L’Orient des Femmes (Paris: ENS Éditions), pp.221–236. (Additional information)

2002. Preface to mapping, travel, and gendered spaces in the middle east. Essays in honour of Edward Said, History and Anthropology, 13:4, 253-255, DOI: 10.1080/0275720022000046724

2002. No myopic mirage: Alexander and Patrick Russell in Aleppo, History and Anthropology, 13:4, 257-273, DOI: 10.1080/0275720022000040733. Attached here.

2001. Karl Klunzinger: Introductory Essay. In Carl Klunzinger, Upper Egypt (reprint by London: Darf.

​2001. Perceptions of the Ababda and Bisharin in the Atbai .Sudan Studies 26/1: 25-43. See https://web.archive.org/web/20090411130710/http://www.dur.ac.uk/justin.willis/starkey.htm

1997. ‘Commentary notes on Jean Bodin’s Response to the Paradoxes of Malestroit [1568]’, in Jean Bodin’s Response to the Paradoxes of Malestroit [1568]. (Bristol: Thoemmes Press, 1997), pp. 129–166. (Additional information)

1984. Oceanic Collections Database at the Museum of Mankind’, Oceania.

Milne, Janet. 1976. Annotated Bibliography for Shelagh Weir's The Bedouin. in The Bedouin. London: World of Islam Trust.

Milne, Janet. 1974. The Impact of Labour Migration on the Amarar in Port Sudan. Sudan Notes and Records 54: 70–88.

4.       C-SAP Projects on Applied Anthropology, including—

Starkey, Janet & Wilson, Robin. 2005. Report on the Anthropology Strand NAGTY Summer School. Department of Anthropology and NAGTY. Durham: Durham University.

Starkey, Janet, Coleman, Simon & Simpson, Robert. 2005. Anthropology and Employment: A Survey of Human Sciences Graduates at the University of Durham. Anthropology. Birmingham: Durham University. (Additional information) (View publication online)

Starkey, Janet, Coleman, Simon & Simpson, Robert. Anthropology in Policy, Practice and Professional Development: A Distance Learning Package for Undergraduates. Anthropology. (Birmingham, C-SAP, and Durham, 2003). (Additional information) (View publication online)

5.       Conference papers

“Jean-Baptiste Vanmour: a painter of turqueries, and a source of inspiration for travellers”, paper presented at the ASTENE Biennial Conference, Norwich on 22 July 2017.

“‘Many plants may have escaped our notice’: the Russells and Adam Freer in Aleppo”, paper presented at the ASTENE TIOL Seminar, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Travellers in Ottoman Lands: the botanical legacy, 13 May 2017.

‘The Diaries of George Ridpath, Minster of Stichill. 1755–1761’: Duns Historical Society, 27 February 2016.

‘'From Fat-tail'd Sheep to the Arbre Sol: naturalist-travellers in the footsteps of Marco Polo’, Nomads Tent 4th Symposium, On Marco Polo, 20 February 2016.

‘Observations, Adventures and Scandals: EIC officers on the Red Sea and in the Syrian Desert between 1776 and 1781’, paper presented at the eleventh ASTENE Conference on 18 July 2015.

‘Exploring Kufra and beyond: Ahmad Mohammed Hassanein, friend of the Rennell Rodds and of Rosita Forbes’, paper presented at the tenth ASTENE Conference on 14 July 2013.

‘‘Into the desert: reality or unreality? Francis Rennell Rodd and Ahmed Hassanein Bey’, WOCMES Conference, Barcelona, July 2010, paper presented as part of a pre-arranged session ,

‘Monks and Bedouins in the deserts around the Red Sea’, Red Sea Conference V, University of Exeter, September 2010.

‘The Contagion followed, and vanquish’d them’: plague, travellers and lazarettos’, paper given at ASTENE International Conference, University of Southampton, July 2007.

‘Al-Suways and Travellers on the Red Sea’, paper presented at the ASTENE regional conference, Nuwaiba, Egypt, April 2006.

‘The Commerce and Boats of Suez according to Travellers on the Red Sea’, paper to be presented at the conference associated with Red Sea Project III; ‘Natural Resources and Cultural Connections of the Red Sea’, at the British Museum, London (27–28 October 2006).

‘HUB Ethnography Project December 2005”, report on the ethnographic collections at the Hancock Museum in the light of current plans to redevelop the museum,  unpublished report, following three months’ advisory position, Tyne and Wear Museums.

‘Ethnographic aspects of Islamic Burials’, paper presented at the Symposium on Islamic Burials, University of Leeds, May 2005

‘Travellers: fascination with the dead and the Arabian Nights’, paper presented at the ASTENE International Conference, University of Manchester, July 2005.

‘Travellers’ perceptions on Islamic Burials’, paper presented at the ASTENE International Conference, University of Manchester, July 2005.

‘Cosmopolitan Cities and Cultural Integration? Eighteenth-Century Syria’, paper presented at BRISMES Annual Conference, held in SOAS, July 2004

‘Pomegranates and Cypress Trees: symbolism of Persian carpets’, paper presented in Edinburgh, February 2004.

‘Travellers on the Red Sea Coast between al-Qusayr and Sawākin’, paper presented at Red Sea II Conference, British Museum, July 2004.

‘Dr Karl Klunzinger in al-Qusayr’, paper presented at the ASTENE International Conference, Oxford, July 2003

''Influences on the ethno-history of Dr Alexander Russell in Aleppo in the 18th century', paper presented at BRISMES Annual Conference, held at the University of Exeter, July 2003

‘Mosques in the Bell Collection’, talk at the Oriental Museum for the Friends.

‘Shaykhs, Swords, and Daggers’, Talk at the Friends of the Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford

‘The Blue Jacket: metaphors in poetry and dress in Palestine'’ paper presented at BRISMES Annual International Conference, held in the University of Edinburgh, 2001.

‘Bagnios, coffee-houses and ‘glistening pomegranate-thickets’: Aleppo in the eighteenth century’, paper given at the Fourth International ASTENE Conference, University of Edinburgh (July 2001).

‘Domes and Cypress trees: the political significance of dress in Palestine’, lunchtime talk at St Mary’s 17 May 2000 in the Eve III Series.

‘Travellers’ accounts of the Bisharin’, at Sudan: Past, Present and Future, 30 August-1.9.2000.

‘Gold, Emeralds and the Eastern Desert’, public lecture at the Oriental Museum, Durham October 1999. [Several other gallery talks, lecturing at Durham Summer School etc between 1993 and 1996].

‘Gold, Emeralds and the unknown Ababda’, Cambridge ASTENE conference July 1999.

‘Perceptions of Women in the Eastern Desert’ , L’Orient des Femmes conference at the Centre de Recherche sur le Monde Anglophone et l’Orient, Université de Marne-le-Vallée, Champs-sur-Marne, 26-27 November 1999.

1996–1997. Several talks on the Ethnographic project in the North East in the region, including a television presentation November 1996.

1989 on Various papers given at the Association of the Study of Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE) and BRISMES on anthropology and ethno-history, most recently in Oxford and Exeter 2003 (most  subsequently published)

1980–1982 Several talks on the Computerisation Project at the British Museum, London.

1977 1980 Several talks in Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research on research organisation; Several talks to the Natural History Society on fieldwork in Oman, Malaysia etc.

1976, ‘Amarar Lexicon’. University of Durham: Ms. Analysed by De Gruyter in Beja lexicostatistics

6.       Editing and Indexing

Index for Lost and Now Found, edited by Neil Cooke and Vanessa Daubney. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2017.

Index for Every Traveller Needs a Compass, edited by Neil Cooke and Vanessa Daubney. Oxford: ASTENE and Oxbow Books, 2015.

Index for Modern Arabic Literature, by Paul Starkey. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014.

Index for Chiasmus and Culture, ed. Boris Wiseman and Anthony Paul, New York: Berghahn Books, 2013.

Index for Cambridge Companion to German Romanticism, edited by Nicholas Saul. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 360p.

Member of Seminar for Arabian Studies Committee 2007 onwards (and Editor of its Proceedings, 2007–2012 and again from 2015-)

Index for Cambridge Companion to Lévi-Strauss, ed. Boris Wiseman, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Index for Marie-Claire Barnet, Eric Robertson & Nigel Saint (eds), Robert Desnos: Surrealism in the Twenty-First Century. Peter Lang, 2006.

Index for Countering the Culture: The Novels of Christiane Rochefort, by Margaret-Anne Hutton, Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1998.

Editing Ann Moss, Latin Commentaries on Ovid from the Renaissance. Library of Renaissance Humanism, 1998. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=t3hfAAAAMAAJ

Editorial Assistant, Primary Political Sources, joint venture between Thoemmes Press and the Department of Politics, University of Durham; responsible for the typesetting, copyediting and production of 6 books including William of Ockham, On Power Of Emperors And Pope. Bristol: A&C Black, 1998.

Editor of the Bulletin for the Association for the Study of Egypt and the Near East. From 1995 to c.2003.

1994–1996, 2000–c.2004 Editor of the Friends of the Oriental Museum newsletter, Orient Express

Assistant Editor, Durham Modern Languages Series, now part of Manchester University Press from 1994 to 2010. Many volumes produced

Joint compiler (with Paul Starkey) of Conference Papers (Volumes 1 & 2) of Second International Sudan Studies Conference, Durham, April 1991 (350 + 329 pp.); Joint compiler (with Paul Wilson) of Conference Papers (Volume 3) of Second International Sudan Studies Conference, Durham, April 1991 (304 pp).

Joint compiler (with Paul Starkey) of Conference Papers for the BRISMES 1989 International Conference, 546 pp

Joint compiler (with Paul Starkey) of Conference Papers for the Second International Sudan Studies Conference. (1989 and 1990) vol. 1 (350 pp); vol. 2 (329 pp), (with Paul Wilson) vol. 3 (304 pp).

Typesetting, copy-editing and indexing for a range of books in modern languages, politics and Middle Eastern studies for Blackwell’s, Exeter University Press, Associated University Presses, Thoemmes Press; Cambridge University Press:  Northern Arts; Durham University Publications Board; the Library of Renaissance Humanism, Tennessee, Peter Lang, etc. from 1984

Typesetting BRISMES Bulletin subsequently British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 2 issues a year, each c. 120 pages per issue, in the UK and in Alexandria. from 1984 to

Typesetting MELCOM Research Guides, for Ithaca Press, CMEIS Occasional Papers, edited by Paul Starkey.

Part of a team involved in the preparation of Annual Reports, KISR, Kuwait 1977–1979.

7.       Conference Organisation and College Membership

Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East, 1997–2000.  Founder member and on organising committee for conferences in 2nd at Oxford (1997), 3rd at Cambridge (1999), 4th at Edinburgh (c.150 participants. July 2001), 8th at Durham (July 2009) 10th at Aston (12–15 July 2013), 11th at Exeter (17-20 July 2015) and Norwich (2017).

BRISMES Council member (elected) 2010.

Publishers’ Book Fair Organiser, BRISMES Conference, University of Manchester, July 2009.

Publishers’ Book Fair organiser, BRISMES Conference, University of Leeds July 2008.

On conference committee for Death and Burial in Arabia, held at the British Museum, London, in November 2008, under the auspices of the Society for Arabian Studies

On the Committee for the Seminar for Arabian Studies, held annually at the British Museum, London. 2007 -

Conference Organiser, Red Sea Project Phase 3, ‘Cultural Connections of the Red Sea’, held at the British Museum, 27–28 October 2006, with the Society for Arabian Studies.

On Organising Committee, EURAMES/BRISMES International Conference held at Collingwood College, Durham University (c.250 participants, c.130 speakers), and 5th International EURAMES Conference. BRISMES / EURAMES Conference, Durham, September 2005.

Conference helper and occasional chair at ASA Conference, ‘Locating the Field’ hosted by the Department of Anthropology, in Durham March/April 2004.

Joint Conference administrator with Dr Noriko Sato, REMSH1 EU project, held at IMEIS July 2004 (Conference convenors: Paul Sant-Cassia (Durham) and Thierry Fabre (Aix)) (c.30 participants); Follow-up meetings re possible associated publications in Paris and Aix July 2005.

Conference Organiser, Red Sea Project Phase 2: ‘People of the Red Sea’, held at the British Museum, 29–30 October 2004 with the Society for Arabian Studies. Supporting grants from The Seven Pillars of Wisdom Trust, the Triplow Trust and other support from the Saudi Ambassador in London and the British Museum (c.170 participants). 2004

Joint Organiser with Paul Starkey and Paul Sillitoe, 8th Royal Anthropological Institute’s International Ethnographic Film Festival: (theme: Islamic Worlds) hosted by Arabic staff of IMEIS and the Anthropology Department, Durham University in Durham 4 to 7 July 2003 (c.200 participants). 2003

On Organising Committee for the Fifth International Conference on ‘Sudan: Past, Present and Future’ held in Castle, Durham 30 August to 1 September, c.100 participants. 2000

On Organising Committee International Conference on ‘Travellers in Egypt and the Near East II’ at Newnham College, Cambridge (c.77 papers and over 150 participants). 1999

Conference Organiser, International Conference on ‘Travellers in Egypt’ at Collingwood College, Durham (c. 35 speakers, c.95 participants), which led to the foundation for ASTENE (Association for the Study of Egypt and the Near East) 1995

Conference Organiser, Second International Sudan Studies Conference, at University College, Durham (c.220 participants: 3 volumes of papers published); 1991

College Tutor at St Aidan’s College, University of Durham and member of its SCR. 1989 to 1991

On Organising Committee, AFEMAM/BRISMES International Conference, at University College, Durham (c.250 participants), which was the foundation of EURAMES (the European Association for Middle Eastern Studies). 1989.

Member of SCR Trevelyan College, University of Durham 1982 to 1986

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